My Life Would Suck Without You: drabble 38 + Announcement


After dying under my uni workload for a whole month, I realised that I wasn't giving myself enough time for leisure, like writing. So I decided that I'd do my best to do uni stuff on weekdays, and free up weekends for my own time - which is the way it's supposed to be. What this means is that if any writing happens, it will most likely be at the end of the week. So! Here's the deal:

I joined when I was fifteen. Three years later, writing has slowed down a lot and I admit it isn't as high on the priority list as it used to be, but it's been a fun trip and I want to keep it going for any readers still around, both old and new. Once I get my uni workload under control, I'll try to spend at least a few hours writing on the days I don't have school. Which means stuff be happening on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays!

Every week, on one of these three days, I'll post an update on this blog about what I've been working on. The content will probably be about one of these things:
a) 'I present thee with this fresh drabble/oneshot'
b) 'I buckled down and wrote ____ words for (insert story)'
c) 'I'm being mysterious and wrote ____ words for a story that can't be found anywhere on the internet. Yet'
d) 'Higuysi'mkindadyingwithschoolthisweeksosorryhaveafreecookieandi'llseeyounextweek!'

In other words, check back every week or so to see what's happening. I know it'll be hard to please everyone since I have so many ongoing stories and I'm not making leaps of progress with either. Still, I figured this would be better than staying below radar for months and then whipping up a 'Yo! I'm still alive!'

Give me a week or two to catch up with uni, and then I'll be doing some regular writing. Be it one sentence at a time or a whole chapter in a weekend, I'm aiming to keep my creative juices flowing. Let's hope I can keep this system going for longer than just a few weeks, haha.

Remember that if you have any questions or just want to say hi, feel free to PM me on, or comment on this blog. Promise I won't ignore you :P


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