My Life Would Suck Without You: Drabble 28


Honey, I Love You is a brilliant and hilarious game with the right people. To the ones who said they'd try it out: go for it and hope you have fun!

I also worked a little bit on the next chapter of Only Human. With any luck, it might even be the first multichapter story to be updated because I'm on an inspiration drive. But alas, I shall not touch writing for the next three weeks. Or aim not to anyway. I say I've got exams and everything, and sure it's quite stressful, but I'm such a natural procrastinator that I can't help it. To be honest, writing again is what I'm looking forward to most at the end of the tunnel. I loved the rush of churning out thousands of words in a day, rereading it again after publishing it to find a billion typos, and months later cursing the terrible plot direction I winged <3


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