My Life Would Suck Without You: Drabble 19

Drabble 19

Okay, so it seems I'm not really facing a writer's block, if I can still come up with drabbles. I think it's the planning and tying things together in the multi-chapter stories that are giving me trouble. Not to mention I've got my finals next week and the week after that, and all those assignments that have been piled on me.

But not to fear! I will nevaaaarrrrr abandon my stories just because I haven't updated in months. Every writer has a lack of inspiration sometimes; I'm just going through this horrible cycle at the moment. Hopefully I'll be able to get back on track after my tests are over. I should have plenty of time in Term 4, and I swear, if I don't at least update one of my stories by the end of this year, then I suck. Officially.


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