My Life Would Suck Without You: Drabble 32
EDIT: This chapter took over eight hours to show on the site for some reason so I was advised to reupload it, which I did even though it was already showing up by the time I woke up. Well, either way the second upload showed up right away. Yay!
December 12, 2011 at 6:05 PM You're on a roll with these drabbles =] Always a good thing. But uhh, I'm not sure if it's just me, and you may have noticed already, but just in case, the new chapter isn't showing.
December 12, 2011 at 6:11 PM Haha, drabbles are very refreshing to write. I noticed the chapter wasn't showing as well. I did publish it and I can see it in my log in, so I guess the site is just lagging. It should be showing in a few hours. If it's still not showing after a while, I'll chase it up :)