Under construction!
Yep, another spur of the moment thing that I seem to be notorious for. If you take your gaze up to the top left hand corner of the page, you'll see that there are new links for 'profile' and 'bookworm land'. I'm still working on them right now, so that's why the profile page happens to be blank. I'll fill everything in when I have the time. Now, a quick run-through.
Profile: I'd be worried if you didn't know what this page is for. :P
Bookworm land: This is where I'll post my opinions on books I read, because a) I think that writing brief reviews will give me that final closure after finishing a book, b) I can remember what books I've read and what I thought about them, c) TO SPREAD THE LOVE OF READING! 8DDDD
You won't believe how hard it was to create those pages. They're not really attached to the main blog, which is this page - dubbed 'home'. Since blogger doesn't have an add page option (it probably does, but I obviously didn't figure it out), I had to create multiple blogs and link them to the main page. It was very, very tedious. D:
Some changes: my music player has been moved to Bookworm Land, since I think it can be put to better use there. I had to change to Grooveshark because mixpod was being an ass and limiting certain songs. Also, sudoku was replaced by a Twitter update widget.
I've left the live feed option available on Bookworm Land, which will automatically notify you of updates to that page if you choose to subscribe. I don't know about other browsers, but Flock handles feeds very well. Follower option is available as well to those that have an account. I figured that I couldn't be the only book-lover out there. XD
Alrighty... I think that's it. I've been writing again lately, though I'm getting held up by school work. I've been picking away at another Naruto story, one that will be three chapters long. I'm on the second chapter now so we'll see how I go, and I'll post it if I ever finish it and am satisfied with it. :D
Oh - and the comment function on this blog is open to everyone, including unregistered users.
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